Friday, May 8, 2009

California snow

Nothing new on the yoga front... studio is under fire evacuation, and evacuation area is moving closer to my area. We also have a nice "California snow" going on right - white ash falling steadily from the sky. It gets in my eyes every time I go outside. Seriously? This is why you shouldn't name it the "BABY JESUS FIRE." Got an email from my department saying that we don't have to come in to work today, but got that email AFTER I came in to take a mid-term. I love grad school. On one hand: "Emergency!!" On the other hand: "Come take your test at 10am, and there's a seminar this afternoon that you guys should really go to." Screw that! I'm getting out of here... just as soon as I talk to a couple people about this project that's due Monday...

I'm gonna see if I can get through all the craziness in the downtown area to practice at the Ventura studio tonight. I want my yoga! :( Can't really take the back roads as they are all on fire, but hopefully the freeway won't be too backed up with emergency vehicles. SHEESH.

1 comment:

bikramyogachick said...

hang in there J. My thoughts are with you...