Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Forgot to knock on wood...

*insert ridiculously long, Napoleon Dynamite style sigh here* "Nghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."

What sort of person is dumb enough to write something along the lines of "boy do I feel great now, so I expect that I will feel like shit very soon!" and NOT at least knock on wood?

I am so NOT interested in publicly airing all of my personal woes and self-created drama, because that's my problem, not your problem, but I just want to vent/bitch/WHINE for 2 seconds. So here goes. It is very hard for me, at this moment, to handle being where I am (which is grad school) instead of somewhere else (specifically the teacher training that's going on right now at Palm Springs, where my friends are, where my incredible teachers are, where Bikram is, and where, in a parallel life, I could be halfway to a Bikram yoga teaching certificate right now.) Very hard. I'd probably be in the normal 2-weeks-til-the-end-of-the-semester-slump right now anyway, so this distraction is not helping me out. I have been virtually incapable of getting any work done for the last couple of days. I don't even know where these days have gone. I snapped out of it last night, but seem to have snapped back into it this afternoon.


It should be ok soon. Bound and rebound, right? Bound and rebound.


Sara said...

I have the same feeling + the same feeling when it comes to going to the Advanced seminar wich of course I'm not this time around either...
Blog hug :O)

hannahjustbreathe said...

Ohhh, I know how you feel. I do. Before I moved up to Boston, I felt like I was living two lives---my current life in DC and my dream life in Boston.

And what I kept reminding myself was this:

I am where I am right now. And I am working to get to where I want to go. And that is good, right, necessary.

Lindy B said...

I'm bounding also - and praying for a rebound. You are so not alone. Here's to you, my friend. :-)

thedancingj said...

Thank you, my girls!!! The blog love totally, totally helps. :)